6:00 PM18:00

Dialogue: Our Online-Offline Lives

How does your faith influence the way you engage your online life, and then how does your online life influence your faith? What does the road look like between your online and offline behavior? Join us for this crucial and fascinating exploration from our various perspectives and wisdom. Email carrie@thechurchlab.org for more info.

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6:00 PM18:00

Special Dialogue with TCL Board of Directors: Irreconcilable Differences and Loving Our Neighbor

Join us for this special annual dialogue in which our board of directors join us! We will gather to listen and learn from each other about our journeys with faith and irreconcilable differences. What does it mean for us to love our neighbor when we do not and will not see eye to eye? Please join! Email carrie@thechurchlab.org for more info.

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6:00 PM18:00

Advent Conspiracy and TCL's End-of-Year Celebration!

Please join and share about causes which have moved you or changed the lives of people you love. We’ll vote on donating 10% of TCL’s budget to causes we love as our multi-faith friendly “Advent Conspiracy.” We’ll also celebrate our year together as we prepare to pause for the holidays! Please email carrie@thechurchlab.org for more info.

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6:00 PM18:00

Dialogue: Sanctity of Life

Veterans who have attended at least 3 recent dialogues are invited to this special dialogue on a sensitive-yet-vital topic for dialogue: sanctity of life. Thank you for being a part of this tender, courageous conversation which our belief systems often inform so directly.

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5:30 PM17:30

TCL Hangout: Movie Night!

TCL's Hang Night this month is a movie night and discussion! That means it is also friendly to local and far away friends alike! The Pope: Answers is a documentary in which young people come to the pope with their unbridled questions about religion. Can't wait to check this out and talk about it together!

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6:00 PM18:00

Dialogue: MAGIC!

Do you believe in magic? What counts as magic, and what doesn’t? How does your belief system inform how you engage the realm of magic? Join us for this -probably?- more lighthearted dialogue as we explore intersections between the mystical and the magical.

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2:00 PM14:00

Advent Conspiracy!

Join us to share about causes that mean a lot to you, and to hear about other incredible causes. We will donate 10% of The Church Lab’s budget by way of discussion and vote, and it’ll go to some of these causes. This is an exciting, inspiring time. Join us! RSVP by emailing carrie@thechurchlab.org.

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6:30 PM18:30

Dialogue: Sanctity of Life

This is a special dialogue in which those who have attended 3 recent dialogues are invited to engage this utmost sensitive topic. If you live within an hour of where we hold our sessions, we ask that you attend in-person. Please email carrie@thechurchlab.org with questions, to learn more or to RSVP. Please RSVP a week or more before the date of this dialogue.

Thank you for doing this important, good work with us!

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